There are goals, old and new, that we put on the back burner for days, weeks, months, even years. Dare to challenge yourself with humility in looking for the cause of your abandonment. In your opinion, are your goals unrealistic or was the strategy to achieve them inadequate? Know that it is easy to have a goal or a dream but achieving it and maintaining that lasting success is quite another thing! Answer these 3 inspiring questions to make your success a reality. In fact, what does success mean to you in this area? It is essential to answer this first question before starting a process towards a healthy lifestyle. The concept of success has its own meaning for each of us, so finding the solution to this last question makes it easier to achieve your health goal. Doing so could confuse you and be demotivating and increase your risk of quitting. In short, a fuzzy goal gives fuzzy results. On a positive note, once you’ve found the answer to your questioning, you’ll be ready to answer the second:

“Why is optimal health important to you? “Or the other way around:” Why is poor health important to you? The answer to this big question is a moving revelation as to your beliefs and your deep motivation to revive your health once and for all. It also acts as a reminder when the desire for positive change or to give up is felt deep within you.

When these questions have been answered with precision and clarity, you are finally at the last question that will propel you towards tangible and effective actions so that you can enjoy lasting success: What are the favorable behaviors and winning strategies that you can to do now to revive your health?

Answer this question by first thinking about the immediate means of change to be put in place as a priority and then structuring the rest of your process according to your specific needs for a successful healthy lifestyle. Remember that according to Gandhi: Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values ​​become your destiny. In short, it is well-planned repetitive mental, physical, emotional and spiritual actions that will determine the quality of your healthy lifestyle where you radiate vitality.


These 3 inspiring questions will revive your health.

– Dickens Lambert, Professional life coach