Our very own occupational therapist and trainer Sylvie Calixte was featured in the “Vivre Mieux” Walmart magazine, an online resource recognized for writing about topics relating to health and family life.

The featured article discusses how to remain active during pregnancy and gives advice and guidelines on the best way for pregnant women to approach fitness at a time there body will be undergoing many changes.

Sylvie and fellow trainer Luce Boulianne discuss different exercise regiments and options available to pregnant mothers. They also list the many benefits that consistent exercise will have on the pregnancy.  In the article, both Sylvie and Luce, are clear that it is never too late to start working out.

Sylvie’s advice comes from a professional background but also from a personal one as she herself is a mother of three children and knows firsthand about staying in shape and working out throughout pregnancy.

The article is a beneficial read for any pregnant woman seeking to maintain her health and the health of her baby throughout the entire pregnancy. If you have missed it, you can access the article here.